Resource Consent Consultants
Auckland & Christchurch

Are you in need of help with your resource consents in NZ?

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Resource consent is a crucial requirement for various projects that impact the environment and community.

Our core focus lies in collaborating with both private and public sector clients to secure essential statutory approvals and undertake Resource Management-focused projects. Our expert guidance ensures projects exceed the initial brief and deliver positive environmental outcomes. With meticulous preparation and a collaborative approach, we strive for the utmost client satisfaction. After submitting resource consent applications to the Council, we often take on project management responsibilities, liaising closely with Council officers and other relevant parties throughout the process, including handling requests for information and negotiating draft conditions. Below, we outline the types of statutory approvals we have extensive experience and familiarity with.

Residential Developments

We are experts in creating enduring, vibrant communities through residential developments. Our expert team of resource consent consultants NZ streamlines projects from inception to realisation, ensuring efficiency, aesthetic harmony, and sustainable outcomes. Specialising in: Apartment Buildings, Greenfield Comprehensive Master Planning, and Terrace Housing, we craft living spaces that stand the test of time and enhance the communities they serve.


Our resource consent specialists NZ leverage their extensive understanding of local zoning and infrastructure requirements; we simplify the intricate process of land division for residential or commercial use. From Esplanade Reserves and Waivers to Vacant Lot Subdivisions and Comprehensive Greenfield Super Lot Subdivisions, our meticulous planning guarantees successful outcomes that align with legal standards and community expectations.

Commercial Development

Our resources consent experts NZ excel in commercial developments. We leverage expertise in zoning, traffic, and environmental considerations for optimized site selection and design. From securing permits to strategic growth planning, we play a pivotal role in creating thriving business spaces that meet market demands. This encompasses Industrial Developments like Manufacturing, Warehousing, and Service Yards, as well as Mixed-Use Development, Office Buildings, and Retail Outlets including Wholesalers, Big Box Retail, and Small-Scale Retail Outlets, among others.

Regional Consent

Managed by regional councils, regional consenting guarantees rigorous adherence to environmental regulations while incorporating community input. Prioritising sustainability and responsible growth, this process actively nurtures thriving environments. Experienced in collaborating with technical specialists and consultants, we adeptly address challenges that arise, navigating the complexities of regional consenting within the Resource Management framework. Contact our resource consent experts in Auckland & Christchurch now.


Resource Consent Experts NZ

Expert Resource Consent Consultants in auckland

Seeking resource consents in Auckland? Talk to us. Researching and obtaining resource consents in Auckland can be a costly, time consuming and stressful task. Our team of resource consent specialists Auckland help make the process of obtaining each and every consent you need easier than ever so you can focus on the other aspects of your development projects. Keep one eye on the legislation with our assistance and expertise.

Expert Resource Consent Consultants in christchurch

We are your resource consent experts in ChristchurchNavigating resource consents in Christchurch can be arduous and demanding. Our team of resource consent specialists in Christchurch ensures a streamlined process for obtaining necessary consents, allowing you to focus on other facets of your development projects. With our guidance and expertise, stay compliant with legislation effortlessly.

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Efficiently split your land and properties for development with the correct resource consents in Christchurch & Auckland. We can help you to navigate the consents you need and apply for them so your subdivision does not get held up by paperwork.


Effective urban planning requires numerous resource consents in NZ, we can assist with your planning by ensuring that all of your obligations and legal consent requirements are met for each district you are developing within. Talk to our experts now.